75 Years Anniversary

 shreeguru 75 years h450

Completing 75 years
Diamond Jubilee Celebrations of Shreeguru Balaji Tambe
- 2015 -

It has been 75 years of receiving love and support from family and friends in the celebration of life...


In the Indian tradition, when a person comes to the age of 75 years, a special celebration is suggested, which includes several activities.

  1. To undergo a body-cleaning treatment followed by rasayan-chikitsa to keep the body healthy and young.
  2. To perform a yadnya, to encourage peace between individual, society and environment. Yadnya offers the opportunity to worship knowledge and give back materially to society.
  3. To perform tula i.e. weigh the person against certain auspicious objects that are then distributed to society and the needy.
  4. To celebrate the day with an entertainment program for the public.
  5. To seek the blessings of seniors, knowledgeable people and creative social contributors.

I am keen to fulfil all these traditional requirements. As part of the fifth element, it was my desire to felicitate individuals who have excelled in the fields that I have actively worked in, during my journey. The areas of work spanned 18 separate fields over several decades and I continue all these pursuits seriously even today. It was my wish to seek inspiration through people who have great achievements in as many of these fields as possible, offer them my prayers and seek their blessings.

Through several sources we researched 15 such outstanding individuals, each a bright star in his or her own arena. They have provided exemplary service to the nation and their fellow men. They are true leaders, in pursuit of excellence that transforms lives. They have been introduced to you in this memorial of the event.

I am extremely pleased and grateful that every one of them has appreciated the concept behind this felicitation. They have graciously accepted our invitation and raised the stature of my celebrations. They have all been recipients of great honours and awards and I am highly obliged that they have consented to be felicitated by us as well.

This has satisfied my inner desire to worship and honour knowledge and creativity through all these personalities coming together at one place. Life can be enjoyed in totality only when everyone in society has understood the importance of knowledge, of sacrifice for society and seeks the blessings of such authorities.

I miss my parents, Pujya Shri Vasudeo Tambeshastri and Pujya Smt. Lakshmibai Tambe, at this juncture. My father was a multifaceted personality with a command over several high skills and abilities, from the spiritual fields to more practical arts. My father and mother would have been particularly happy to witness such a gathering of authorities. I seek their blessings for the success of this event.

This entire celebration program has been possible only because of the initiative and responsibilities undertaken by my family and friends and I thank all of them from the depth of my heart.

Avdhoot Chintan Shree Gurudev Datta!

Shreeguru Balaji Tambe
Chairman - Balaji Tambe Foundation
Founder of the Atmasantulana Village and Santulan






A 360-degree Approach to Life in Balance

"God is in the people.
We serve society to serve God."
- Shreeguru Balaji

shreeguru 300Bhalchandra was born in the Tambe family, rich in education and Vedic culture. His parents Shri Vasudeo Tambeshastri and Smt Laxmibai started calling him Balaji.

At home, under his illustrious and celebrated father Vedashastra Sampanna Shri Vasudeo Tambeshastri, Balaji acquired Ved Vidya and from a very young age displayed the ability to chant and interpret even the  most difficult suktas. Ayurveda too, was imbibed from an early age from the great Vaidyas of the time who happened to be his neighbours as well as his father's friends and peers.

The young Balaji lived in a household with limited financial resources. Right from childhood, Balaji supported his father in a range of activities, from brick and tile work in his own home to selling soap and daily items in the communities of Baroda (today's Vadodara). He yearned to travel to Garudeshwar for regular upasana. The talented Balaji always handled several projects expertly, from his early age.

Excelling through school, he was directed towards engineering. While he was 'Best Shot' in his NCC batch, he also qualified as an accomplished mechanical engineer from the MS University of Baroda and completed his traditional Ayurveda education at the same time.

It is little known that this pioneer of Ayurveda is also a talented Artist with watercolours, pencil and rangoli (art creations with coloured powders).

As an artist he used to travel to big and small cities creating rangoli exhibitions with 3D effects that elicited praise from the likes of Shri Datto Waman Poddar and Smt Vinda Karandikar.

The Engineer and Technologist Balaji, meanwhile, developed new machinery for manufacturing wooden textile bobbins at his first job. Later as an inventive businessman he created unique ways of packaging large and high value goods for international shipment. Through his industries he provided a range of solutions - interior design, decoration services, fabrication and industrialfurniture - to business communities.

Little did the businessmen he worked with know that Balaji was a Cosmology and Field Energies expert with a command over Astrology, Palmistry, Physiometry, Pulse Diagnosis, Vaastu and Time and Motion Studies. He offered consultancy for several years and helped scores of people overcome problems that could not be ordinarily seen or solved. Simultaneously, he began workshops and regular weekly meetings with groups under the name Aum Swarupa to discuss spiritual ideas and teach people Aum chanting and Yoga. In 1972, Aum Swarupa became a trust that contained the seeds for future growth.

When Balaji's business grew he began to be attracted to another calling for which he is now celebrated - the Spiritual and Health Sciences. He supported his  Ayurveda pharmacy through his Entrepreneurship and Philanthropic works and delivered life-changing medicines and therapy for free to thousands, especially to women for their hormonal health and to those afflicted with undiagnosed conditions.

By and by, Shri Balaji or Shreeguru Balaji as he is now addressed, put up, through his own hard work, the funds to acquire a small piece of land where his work and spiritual family could be established. He began to reach for ultimate material self-sufficiency through management of Agriculture in his surroundings, going beyond his own fields to include local farmer social wellfare and the culturing of cows. When the opportunity presented itself Shreeguruji took his fascination for biological farming further and established Tanushree and Tanishka farms at Shriwardhan that yield several high quality crops and medicinal herbs today, with natural farming techniques.

As soon as the  Atmasantulana Village had been set up in 1982, Shreeguru Balaji began to focus an Ayurvedic pharmacology and other methods of providing relief to the body and mind. He revived the traditional Panchakarma to suit modern times as a process of five-elemental purification along with tissue-cleaning potential. This unique process has been perfected over years and is popular today as the Santulan Panchakarma. His primary R&D led to more than a hundred pharmacological solutions by modifying the Ayurveda Shastras to suit present needs. These are now extremely effective, patented proprietary medicines, many of which are available OTC at Santulan for the benefit of the general public. His work in healing sounds helped him evolve into a Music Composer and Vocalist of rare capability, one who could make mantra and raga into medicines for everyday sicknesses. Several albums have resulted with astonishing results for various health conditions; perhaps the most popular have been Yoga Nidra for sound sleep and astral body therapy, and Garbhasanskar, for the development of a healthy child.

At the  Atmasantulana Village, Shreeguru Balaji developed the concept of the perfect Vedic lifestyle in the 21st century, a model that was selected as the best sustainabIe living platform at an international expo in 2000 in Hanover, Germany. By then, his Santulan Panchakarma centre in Europe, Aum Kurzentrum, had been established. It is perhaps the most authentic place in Europe to offer the traditional Panchakarma. His OPD day care centres in Munich and Frankfurt have been in operation even before that. He has been travelling to Germany 3 times a year for the last 33 years to take the message of Ayurveda and Indian spirituality there.

The set up of a Vedic village has also afforded Shreeguru Balaji the opportunities to conduct research on Vedic technologies. With the understanding that the process of Vedic Yadnya is far more than a physical ritual, Shreeguruji has realized some of the greater applications of Yadnya and how it could be extremely useful in fighting air pollution and restoring the Environment. Similarly, his experiments in culturing water with thought and sounds has yielded results that could have far reaching implications in Water Management, a 21st century necessity.

All of this Knowledge and Education needs constant spreading. Shreeguru Balaji designed a 3-year Ayurvedic Physiotherapy course that has been approved by the Government of Maharashtra. His tireless lectures and seminars in India and abroad bring complicated health and spirituality concepts into common language to make people realize greater truths and think for themselves. The 6 year long daily program on the Shrimad Bhagawad Geeta and weekend episodes an Ayurveda on Saam TV are examples not only of public education but also of using Mass Media for Positive Change. This is also reflected in his weekly editorials as Chief Advisor of the popular Family Doctor supplement to the Sakal newspaper, read diligently by millions every week. His award-winning concept for TV, the daily serial Bhairoba, bringing awareness of the higher power working in our lives, is exemplary writing in the genre of responsible fiction.

Using these platforms Shreeguru Balaji has also popularized  Anna Yoga or traditional food sciences. He fiercely advocated a return to traditional cow's milk and ghee and the use of honey, over four decades ago, all of which have only recently been emphatically confirmed by medical research agencies abroad. His diet changes have had a profound effect an the lives of thousands of his regular patients with a remarkable improvement in quality of life, rather than decline over the years.

Shreeguru Balaji considers Yoga and Meditation essential to balancing Agni (the hormonal System), for cure from sickness as weil as for contentment in life. His modifications of asana and pranayama called Santulan Kriya Yoga in accordance with Maharishi Patanjali's principles, is a form of Yoga easy to use by young and old alike, with wholesome results that medical doctors might find amazing. He has also made the other 6 folds of Maharishi Patanjali's Yoga, like Yama-Niyama, easier to practice. The Santulan Om Meditation (SOM) technique had gained thousands of followers. Shreeguru Balaji is renowned in India and abroad for his immaculate singing of AUM, as well as offering deeksha, or spiritual initiation, into this technique that brings harmony at the level of body, mind and soul. Systems do not thrive unless they are continuously updated. The new SOM program contained in 60 minutes a day, created especially for the busy achiever, is a testament to Shreeguru Balaji's keeping with the times.

As an Author, Shreeguru Balaji has worked across many genres and formats. With over 30 books covering  Ayurveda, self-help, mind control, Yoga, home remedies, the Shrimad Bhagawad Geeta, Vedic secrets, medical reference, child-planning and meditation, in Marathi, Hindi, English, Gujarati and German, his contribution to making Ancient Indian Culture and methods accessible to future generations is nigh incomparable.

In all this, it is the manner of his working, his unbelievable humility and concern for all, creating strong foundations for organisations and systems free of karmic stress, full of purpose, offering solutions for society, raising up all those who associate with him that is really creditable. He has shown that it is possible to be completely ethical and vastly successful, all at once, even in this age, a spiritual Master who is also a self-made man, who carries out, in daily life, the Yadnya of taking the material, transactional plane to the level of energy and further to consciousness - a man beyond time.

We, close to him, do believe that he is indeed a brighter spark of that Supreme Godhead and so inevitably attracts us. Yet, our ways of belief are inadequate as they are dependent on the measurement of a man by his achievements rather than the experience of his Grace.

We pray to God that Shreeguru Balaji's messages, blessings and energies may benefit everyone and help get closer to Grace.

Avadhuta Chintan Shree Gurudev Datta!

- Friends and Family of Shreeguru Balaji Tambe






Completing 75 years

Diamond Jubilee Celebrations of Shreeguru Balaji Tambe


dr padmashree patil

Padmashree Dr. D. Y. Patil
Former Governor of Tripura, Bihar & West Bengal


shri devendra fadnavis

Chief Guest
Shri Devendra Fadnavis
Hon. Chief Minister of Maharashtra


shri prakash javdekar

Guest of Honour
Shri Prakash Javdekar
Union Minister for Environment, Forests and Clima Change


shri girish bapad

Guest of Honour
Shri Girish Bapat
Guardian Minister for Pune, Minister for Food, Civil Supplies, Consumer Protection, Maharashtra






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natharao karad  natharao karad a


veena tambe  veena tambe a


vedamurti godbole  vedamurti godbole a


madhavankutty varier  madhavankutty varier a


dr gosavi  dr gosavi a


padma iyengar  padma iyengar a


sharad upadhye  sharad upadhye a


smt malti joshi  smt malti joshi a


pramod kamble  pramod kamble a


kailash kher  kailash kher a


prataprao pawar  prataprao pawar a


ulrich hofmann  ulrich hofmann a


vijay bhatkar portrait  vijay bhatkar a


nikhil sinha  nikhil sinha a


